A good start - Disk Space, Bandwidth, etc

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12 anos atrás
Excluding all the normal features and benefits, a hosting company I am looking at has the following plan:

Disk Space (GB):                           2GB

Bandwidth (GB/month):                 20 GB/month

MS SQL 2008 R2 Space (shared):   500 MB

If I am planning to have a nopcommerce site with about 100-300 products, would this plan be a good start?   This would be the first time I did something like this so I would really appreciate your thoughts.

I know that it depends on the theme you use as well as the size of your pictures etc.  However, roughly speaking, for those of you who have used nopcommerce does this sound good?

If it is a good plan for a nopcommerce site with 100-300 products, how many people would you guess could be online before it was too much for the bandwidth?  About 50 people at a time?  

Your answer does not have to be exact; I am just looking for some rough estimates and helpful hints on this plan’s capability with regards to having a nopcommerce site with 100-300 products.

I am using nopcommerce version 2.4

Thanks in advance!
12 anos atrás
The 2GB of disk space might be an issue.
Lots of hosting give you unlimited.  NopCommerce generate several thumb-nails for each picture, so it's not just the pictures you uploaded, but you need space for the thumb-nails as well.
12 anos atrás
Thanks for replying!  

Does anyone have any thoughts on the 20GB/month of bandwidth, or the 500 MB of database storage for 100-300 products?    

When I talked to a company that said that they had unlimited bandwidth, they said that it really would only be enough to have about 50 people max online at one time.  How would the 20GB/month of bandwidth compare to this?
Also, for those of you who have worked with nopcommerce, when a company says unlimited space do they really mean it?  

This would be the first website I put up so I am a little unsure about some of these numbers and what they will give me.

Thanks in advance!
12 anos atrás
Those specs are probably fine.  My site has around 400 products and 750 pictures.  The pictures are about 20MB and the thumbnails for them are another 13MB.  My database is at 10MB but I don't really have any customer or order records yet.

The bigger concern for you will be the amount of RAM your site will have access to.  Ask the host how much they allocate to your AppPool.
12 anos atrás
Thanks!  I contacted the hosting company and they said I will be on a shared application pool where there is no fixed RAM allocation. Would this be worth a try?   They said that if I needed dedicated RAM I could consider a dedicated application pool which has 64 MB RAM allocated.  I am not sure how much RAM nopcommerce would need for 100-300 products.
Also, if you wouldn’t mind, could you post me a link to your website?  I would enjoy taking a look at it.  Do you have a hosting plan that you recommend?
Thanks again for the help.
12 anos atrás
You can certainly try it but just watch out for long load times on every page load.  That's a sign that your AppPool is running out of memory and constantly restarting.  A VPS is usually a great plan and you can get one from $25-$50 but now you have to admin IIS directly which might be a curve if you're not used to it.

I'm not officially live yet.  I'll put a link in my signature when we launch in mid-April.
12 anos atrás
Thanks for letting me know.

I am looking forward to seeing your website.
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