Creating a new Customer doesn't assign a default address (nopCommerce 2.4)

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12 anos atrás
When you create a customer in the admin using the new customer, the customer doesn't have a default address.  You have to reenter this information again during the checkout process.

1. Create a new customer in the administration, filling out the address and all required information.
2. Assign Registered role to new customer
2. View the customer table in the database and look for new customer

Among several issues, you'll note that the customer has null for username (noted in a separate bug).  The BillingAddress_Id and Shipping address_Id are both null.  This new customer is an invalid record.  Bad things can happen from here as noted in another bug.
12 anos atrás
It works fine (since 2.40). Just ensure that you have enabled all form field required for creating an address record (admin area > configuration > settings > customer settings).
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