QUICK deleting of all countries except your chosen ones

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12 anos atrás
I just got this working so i thought i share this as someone may need it:

to do a quick deleting of all countries in the country table you can do the following query

FROM [yourtable].[dbo].[Country]
WHERE Name <> 'Canada'

Remember that your customer records does not have the countries you want to delete.

Hope it helps
12 anos atrás
Just out of curiousity, why would not want to keep the country database intact? Just disable the shipping options for the countries you don't want to ship to instead. That way, if the business ever decides at a future point in time to ship overseas, all they would have to do is activate the shipping options for those countries.

As an example, I've shut down shipping for such countries as:

Syria, Cuba, North Korea, Nigeria, and a few other hotspots around the world where it would be almost impossible for a "consumer" to make a purchase on-line or to even ship a product to and be guaranteed that the product would arrive in one piece.

I'm not making any political statements with this, it is pure and simple a realistic view of the current world-state.
12 anos atrás
Why wouldn't you just set Published to 0 for those countries, then it's easy to turn them back on later if you want.
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