nopCommerce 2.60 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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11 anos atrás
one more minor but very usefull change:
in admin area - customer details -> orders tab : to order orders by desc and not inc
11 anos atrás
(остапа несло :)

allow to add products to the existing order.
11 anos atrás
olga_zov wrote:
allow to add products to the existing order.

It already was done in 2.50
11 anos atrás
Paypal Express Plugin made into a standard plugin.  Probably the most used payment method in USA.
11 anos atrás
Possibly implement the shopping cart link and currency picker like in OpenCart as an example:
11 anos atrás
breakskater wrote:
Possibly implement the shopping cart link and currency picker like in OpenCart as an example:

Flyout mini-shopping cart has already been added in the upcoming 2.60
As for currency picker. Please vote here

Thanks for suggestions
11 anos atrás
Hi I am quite new in nopCommerce, but quite excited about it. I have looked for some MVC e-commerce solution and find nopCommerce.
Last days I studied it quite a lot. I am downloading 2.6 (33d6e524be27) and also trying to prepare aour shop to get ready asap for deploy. Through the time I got some ideas, bugs etc. Therefor our country is non english, there are some things regarding Czech/International localization... so, go to them:

I think, nopCommerce should have:
- Setup Date & Time format automaticaly regarding to Culture accross application
    (f.i. AM, PM or 24 hour..., decimal numbers <dot> or <comma> (+ data validation, + direct typed f.i.: 15.6.2012 and not 6/15/2012)
- Shop owner info
   I didn't found this section yet: maybe can be added in configuration as a special Company settings.
   Should have these fields: Bank Account info, EU VAT number, address ... These can also be included in PDF Invoice, if you plan use payment methods like prepay it will be nice to have there bank account. and maybe some other fields which can be used as tokens fi. in emails...

Can be interesting to add functionality:
- image as a url link
- allow using watermark to images
- diferentiate personal/company registration
- allow access to customer uploded files - adding new bookmark Uploaded Files in Edit Custommer Details
- also custommer can have his menu item uploaded files
- Specification attributes should have also the ability not only list but text value entered on product F.i.: Width of a product (calendar) can have many values but these are used only once...
- In add product to category be able to select wanted categories directly on category tree view.

To be corrected:
- Trying to print PDF invoice i get an Error (Path not valid) (this error I also got in XLS Export, but is now corrected)
- Button <Upload a file> in ordering product variant shoud be localized
- Pictures layout when many (fi. 14 for callendar) goes accross the page on right margin
- Print button on product detail page should print only the product part of the web page
- On full upload of Import language resources I got Time out error, on uploading just a few lines thats ok.

I think, for the first its enough.
I like your work!
11 anos atrás
fibox wrote:

Thanks for suggestions. Some of your suggestions/reports are already implemented/fixed. For some of them I've created work item.

But I haven't got you about "Print button on product detail page should print only the product part of the web page". Please clarify
11 anos atrás
Ok thanks,

here is screenshot of the print button ( and some other from my last post.

and here is allready printed document ( I think, it will be enough to print only content of the red rectangle.

I hope it is self explaining.

I got another idea about custommer file upload: It would be nice to be able allow file filtering by file extension (f.i. pdf, jpg...).
11 anos atrás
fibox wrote:
here is screenshot of the print button ( and some other from my last post.

and here is allready printed document ( I think, it will be enough to print only content of the red rectangle.

I see now. This work item already exists. Please vote here
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