additional fee on the payment method

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11 anos atrás
An update to my above regarding negative additional fees...

Negatives are also prevented here:


public ActionResult OrderTotals(bool isEditable)

  //payment method fee
  decimal paymentMethodAdditionalFee = _paymentService.GetAdditionalHandlingFee(paymentMethodSystemName);
  decimal paymentMethodAdditionalFeeWithTaxBase = _taxService.GetPaymentMethodAdditionalFee(paymentMethodAdditionalFee, _workContext.CurrentCustomer);
  if (paymentMethodAdditionalFeeWithTaxBase > decimal.Zero)
      decimal paymentMethodAdditionalFeeWithTax = _currencyService.ConvertFromPrimaryStoreCurrency(paymentMethodAdditionalFeeWithTaxBase, _workContext.WorkingCurrency);
      model.PaymentMethodAdditionalFee = _priceFormatter.FormatPaymentMethodAdditionalFee(paymentMethodAdditionalFeeWithTax, true);

It does make me wonder though - if tax setting "Payment method additional fee is taxable", what should the result be for a negative fee?  You can't charge tax on a negative.  It would seem that the negative fee acts like a discount on the subtotal - should, therefore, the Tax for the order be calculated on the "discounted" subtotal?
11 anos atrás
Hi New York!

You are 100% correct about this issue!

Today I discover which the negative fee was only a workaround over the lack of PaymentMethodAdditionalFee (AdditionalFee, AdditionalFeePercentage) on the PagSeguro payment plugin.
Then I try to place a negative fee on payment method to compensate this, I do but this is not the correct. In this way I need increase the price of the product variant to compensate and place a negative fee in the other payment methods.
I have fixed partially including the options(Additional Fee, Additional Fee Use percentage ) and save in configuration view of the plugin and the configurations are saved in Configuration\Settings\All Settings but I receive a error message: Object reference not set to a instance of an object

Ok I finally get the fixes to plugin and now all works fine: install, uninstall, AdditionalFee, AdditionalFeePercentage, save settings, order sumary, ExtraAmount, working with pt-BR culture Language, object reference.
If all works without issues I upload a update today.

Thanks in Advance.
9 anos atrás
For topic no. #80419

Hello dear a.m.

You gave us above url


But content is not there.
9 anos atrás
keyideas.admn wrote:
For topic no. #80419

Hello dear a.m.

You gave us above url


But content is not there.

It is now here
9 anos atrás
Thank you...
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