How search works in NopCommerce

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12 anos atrás
I want to know how search works in NopCommerce with respect to development as i need to add a feature which search some products from table other than the specific tables used by NopCommerce. For example i created a table in database named MyProducts and added some products in it. now i want the app. to search the product from this table as well.
12 anos atrás
You would have to add your table to the entities set to the data access layer and then add it to the models and view via reference classes.  Then you will have access to the columns in that table through the already built search framework.

Just add you need dataset/entity 'extend base class(es)' information into the existing system.

This post was only intended for direction not step-by-step if that is what you require please feel free to [url=javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ctl00$cph1$cph1$ctrlForumTopic$rptrPosts$ctl01$ctrlForumPost$btnSendPM$btnSendPM','')]PM[/url] me and get a conversation going.
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