Ajax control ShoppingCart nop 2.6

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11 anos atrás
Hi all,
I want to add into existing themes the ajax control for the shopping cart in the header menù. In this moment I have the old static shoppingcart item in the header.
Where I can start to convert the old shopping cart in the new one?

Thanks in advance

11 anos atrás
After better analisys appears that headerlink is not updated by own theme; the problem is ajax that with this theme does not works. If I use standard theme everything working fine ....

Any idea?


11 anos atrás
Solved: I excluded from the project the hedar file from own themes but it continue to works. I added @Html.Action("FlyoutShoppingCart", "ShoppingCart") into the header file and ajax cart works fine

I hope it should be usefull to some one
11 anos atrás
zrmax wrote:
Solved: I excluded from the project the hedar file from own themes but it continue to works. I added @Html.Action("FlyoutShoppingCart", "ShoppingCart") into the header file and ajax cart works fine

My header file does have that code in:

    <div class="header-links-wrapper">
        @Html.Action("HeaderLinks", "Common")
        @Html.Action("FlyoutShoppingCart", "ShoppingCart")

Should it not be in the header-links-wrapper?
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