Where is the Data Access Layer in NopCommerce v1.9 ?

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11 anos atrás
Where is the Data Access Layer in NopCommerce v1.9 ?

All i see is business logic project, i am trying to understand how the data is actually being inserted and selected. Where are the queries?
11 anos atrás
V 1.9 uses entity frameworks

look in say Product Manager

/// <summary>
        /// Gets product
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productId">Product identifier</param>
        /// <returns>Product</returns>
        public static Product GetProductById(int productId)
            if (productId == 0)
                return null;

            string key = string.Format(PRODUCTS_BY_ID_KEY, productId);
            object obj2 = NopRequestCache.Get(key);
            if (ProductManager.CacheEnabled && (obj2 != null))
                return (Product)obj2;

            var context = ObjectContextHelper.CurrentObjectContext;
            var query = from p in context.Products
                        where p.ProductId == productId
                        select p;
            var product = query.SingleOrDefault();

            if (ProductManager.CacheEnabled)
                NopRequestCache.Add(key, product);
            return product;

EF writes the queries from the linq you provide.
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