product is way too slow for business!

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10 anos atrás
Quantis001. How does your post relate to this thread? it doesn't relate to our problem. Our product page loads in admin panel, for any reason take 30 seconds or more. Unacceptable. This only started after upgrading to 3.1 from 2.8 last Friday. Everything worked perfect until the upgrade. Now it takes three times, or more, longer to do anything with a product.
10 anos atrás
I replied to previous posts. I saw you created a new post. I have also sent you 2 pm's with potential solution to your problem.
10 anos atrás
NopCommerce itself it is not slow but need some care about server and app settings.
In some cases just adding some indexes on DB can speed it up.
Try out this one (a  v. 3.2 demo on our severs) is it slow?
10 anos atrás
It is faster than mine. I have SQL Express and IIS on same box/ VPS. You have separate db and IIS?
10 anos atrás

This is on our standard shared hosting servers. In this server, DB and IIS are on the same box but we also have others with separate SQL and data (Win2K12+SQL2K12+NAS).
Consider that the hardware quality and configuration is making the difference.
I saw many hosters providing 200K of dedicated app pool memory for NopCommerce (basically OK just for a hello word app)

Regards, Giuseppe
10 anos atrás
To those who wonder about that maybe their Nopsystem is slow
and seem to me a bit shortsighted by seeking simple answers
for a not simple to answer question:

Websites reside on a multilayered system. EACH Layer
takes its part and responsibility for a website outcome to be slow.
It starts with physical Layer (meaning CPU, RAM, HDD speed etc)
and ENDS with the Nopcommerce structure itself.
Setting up a Webshop properly, requires much more Basic Knowledge
then click and be happy and let the system do the rest.

In between there is:
Operating System Configuration (Rights, Memory usage...
DatabaseManagement Configuration
Database storage setup (Clustered, Indexed, partialy divided onto more then one hdd etcetc)
Database Configuration
IIS Configuration

Just to point out on one: SQL Server itself is a scalable and reliable professional Tool that
requires some knowledge of what you are doing. That also counts for IIS and all the other Layers.

Performance NEVER is a one Layer only issue.
10 anos atrás
apfelsine wrote:

Performance NEVER is a one Layer only issue.

I can't agree with you more.
10 anos atrás
I agree with you both but your not hearing what I am saying.

We are running on a VPS with SQL Server 2008 R2 and plenty of ram.

The front end( the web store itself runs fine. Very fast and you can see it here)

We just upgraded from 2.8 to 3.1 last Friday.

2.8 actually did have issues for us due to fly-out menu support and the fact that we have 3000 categories that needed to be cached every time a category was created or updated (30 second lag time to rebuild the categories after category edit). That issue is similar to the issue we are having now but that was on categories not products and due to the fly-out menu support in 2.8. That issue was fixed with a mod someone gave us that took the category structure back to 2.65 version. this issue was corrected in 3.0 by removing fly-out menu support. We are having no issues now with categories.

Our issue is on Products in admin panel only. 30 second lag time to create, edit or save a product. We have 13,000 products. We had no issues with products in version 2.8. IMO something with the way the new product structure(combining the Product with the Product Variant and calling it all at once) is causing the problem on a store with a large catalog. I have viewed the nop demo site and yes it works fine but that storefront only has 54 products in it. nopcommerce should put 10,000 products in the demo store to see if the structure can actually handle a catalog that large.

I have already created a fresh copy of 3.1(out of the box) and wired it up to a back up of our 3.1 database and the problem persists. Today i will be creating another 3.1 out of the box but on this one I will be configuring it with the data built into the store out of the box. So it will be truly out of the box install. I am then going to import 10,000 products into it. If the problem persists then nopcommerce 3.1 cannot handle 10,000+ products out of the box. If there is no problem then it is related to my store and my code.
10 anos atrás
As opso stated before you could - and i surely would with the amount of products -
consider indexing (or if already done reindexing if there where added products after indexing) the tables being involved.

You also may use Database Engine Tuning Advisor to troubleshoot the performance issue.

I can't tell if theres a basic loading problem since I am using version 2.8 and have not been able to take a look at the source code of upper 3.x versions for now.
10 anos atrás

"NopCommerce itself it is not slow but need some care about server and app settings.
In some cases just adding some indexes on DB can speed it up.
Try out this one (a  v. 3.2 demo on our severs) is it slow?"

How many products do you have in your demo store? Looks to me that it is out of the box which means 54 products in the store. Try importing 10,000 products and see how long it takes to create, edit and save a product in admin.

I am doing this today and I will give you my results later today.
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