Product Variant price calculation optimization

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11 anos atrás

Is it possible that the following two lines of code in CatalogController.PrepareProductVariantModel:

decimal finalPriceWithoutDiscountBase = _taxService.GetProductPrice(productVariant, _priceCalculationService.GetFinalPrice(productVariant, false), out taxRate);
                        decimal finalPriceWithDiscountBase = _taxService.GetProductPrice(productVariant, _priceCalculationService.GetFinalPrice(productVariant, true), out taxRate);

could be replaced with:

Discount discount = null;
                        decimal discountAmount = decimal.Zero;
                        decimal finalPriceWithDiscountBase = _priceCalculationService.GetFinalPrice(productVariant, _workContext.CurrentCustomer, decimal.Zero, true, 1, out discount, out discountAmount);
                        decimal finalPriceWithoutDiscountBase = finalPriceWithDiscountBase + discountAmount;

                        finalPriceWithDiscountBase = _taxService.GetProductPrice(productVariant, finalPriceWithDiscountBase, out taxRate);
                        finalPriceWithoutDiscountBase = _taxService.GetProductPrice(productVariant, finalPriceWithoutDiscountBase, out taxRate);

? I trying to figure out if there's a situation where it wouldnt be equivalent but in the meantime, if someone finds a show stopper, let me know.

EDIT: I think the tax service must be applied after computing the amount without the discount otherwise we're adding a discount amount without taxes to an amount with taxes... I modified my suggested code.
11 anos atrás
I'm not sure that it would be right or wrong (needs some investigation). But could you please clarify about the optimization? Is it in not calling _priceCalculationService.GetFinalPrice method twice?
11 anos atrás
Precisely. Is in some caching going on in there that I did not see?

EDIT: I see what you mean, GetFinalPrice is not doing much when there's no tier prices apart from computing the discount. But a few ms saved is better than nothing I guess ;)
11 anos atrás
I'm not sure that it does not really save a lot of time because no additional database requests are made when are run
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