nopCommerce 2.65 and 2.70 roadmap

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11 anos atrás
Dharmik wrote:
Work item for Full Page Caching is here...

available for voting.

Thanks, just voted.
11 anos atrás
One thought would be more developer documentation.  The current is lacking in several areas and it would be nice to see something out there that developers can turn to for help.  Examples are a DB Diagram, more commenting in code, help importing products/categories directly into SQL, etc, etc.
11 anos atrás
Dharmik wrote:
What about Presentation model caching? Will that be included in 2.70?

Actually it was introduced in 2.50 (or 2.60). Maybe, more models will be cached in 2.70

Dharmik wrote:
And really looking to your comments for Full Page Caching

I haven' thought about it yet. It need a lot of investigation
11 anos atrás
Hi, I think the right time is to start investigating it now...

Here are some comments
11 anos atrás
I'm not a "real" developer but I want to add some points in regard to caching/performance optimization:

- Use a simple & embedded NoSQL-DB like
- Migrate to .Net 4.5 when available ->
- Parallelize requests using the asynchronous programming with Async and Await
- Razor Donut Caching ->
- Partial Page Caching in MVC Razor With Entity Framework
- Implement 2-level caching support into EF ->

Hope some points are relevant/useful...
11 anos atrás
Pronux wrote:
- Implement 2-level caching support into EF ->

As I know Entity Framework currently supports only first level cache
11 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:
As I know Entity Framework currently supports only first level cache

True. Its one of the feature that is not supported out-of-the-box. But it is possible to create wrapper provider with some limitations.
11 anos atrás
So performance enhancement will be there or not? If not now then when? This is the single most important thing to make nopCommerce rocking.

Do you guys agree? Or only few are interested to have high performance store?
11 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:
It contains things like "output and donut caching", "full page caching", "database indexing", etc. But such things are obvious and well known. These tasks just need to be investigated and done (if possible)

There are also a a list of local places which should be refactored. And they are really important and hard to find. It would be really great if the community could help finding such specific places in source code. For example, have a look at this forum topic (the first post). This one or this one

hey andrie, love to see these things implemented...

What's the progress...? There has been a lot of discussion on performance and few guys have implemented your suggestions as well? Why you're not trying it? You did a wonderful job, just for one thing nopcommerce missing... why you are not focusing on performance?
11 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:
As I know Entity Framework currently supports only first level cache

I think you are right on this. Since EF was open-sourced, let's hope someone will implement this feature soon.
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