Writing from code to Log

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11 anos atrás
If I want to write a simple message to the Log regarding a user action, what is the (best) way to do so?
Should I use the 'DefaultLogger' or the 'CustomerActivityService'? And, more important, how? :)

Thanks in advance!
11 anos atrás
If you want to write to log (usually exceptions and errors), use 'ILogger/DefaultLogger'. If you want to write to an user activity (usually information such as "viewing a category", etc), use 'ICustomerActivityService'.
11 anos atrás
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the quick reply. Could you please provide me with an example of the DefaultLogger service?

11 anos atrás
Have a look at \src\Libraries\Nop.Services\Orders\OrderProcessingService.cs. ILogger is injected via contructor and used when required
11 anos atrás
Something like this?

Nop.Services.Logging.DefaultLogger logger = (Nop.Services.Logging.DefaultLogger)Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Logging.ILogger>();
logger.InsertLog(Nop.Core.Domain.Logging.LogLevel.Information, "Customer doing something!", "Customer ......", null);
11 anos atrás
Yes. You can do it this way. But it's not very elegant. See my best above for more proper way of getting ILogger instance
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