Customize registration page and provide access based on customer role

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11 anos atrás
I want to customize the Login page such that the customer is able to choose his role of access to the website e.g. Sales, Technical support, maintenance etc. Based on the selected role, the customer will have the access to desired controls from admin module.e.g if the customer is from sales, he can only access order section and place orders on behalf of customers etc.

If something like this has already been implemented, please guide.
11 anos atrás
You do realize that by allowing a user to “choose” his role, you increase the likelihood of them *trying out different credentials scenarios for different roles* right?

In addition, you’re exposing all the Roles your current system has…

I’m not saying this is wrong, I’m just wondering what would be the added benefit of allowing them to select their own role.
On the other hand, what is currently built-in in nopCommerce, is the ability to assign users to Roles. As they login, depending on the Role they belong to, they may (or may not) have access to certain things in the backend.

It is up to you, the administrator, to set what Roles can view what in the backend through the Configuration-->Access Control List.

Hope this helps
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