How to upgrade plugin 2.20 to 2.50

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11 anos atrás
Hi All,

1 year ago, I create one plugin for Nopcommerce 2.20. and now, I try to updated Nopcommerce version 2.20 to 2.50. it's succeed. but my plugin doesn't show on plugin list. How to fix it?


11 anos atrás
Have you tried RELOAD PLUGIN LIST? :)
11 anos atrás
wooncherk wrote:
Have you tried RELOAD PLUGIN LIST? :)

Yes, I did follow step:

1. build plugin souce code by using DLL from Nop 2.50.
2. copy my plugin to pulgins directory.
3. restart application and clear cache.
4. go to plugin tab >>> reload

it's not work
11 anos atrás
Did you update the description.txt? There is a version information there.
6 anos atrás
Hi Experts,

I would like to know whether only updating the version in 'Description.txt' will be sufficient or any other changes are also required if a plugin written for Version 2.8 is required to be upgraded to work with Version 3.9.

Any help will be appreciated.


6 anos atrás
No.  nopCommerce upgrades include upgrades to dependent libraries (e.g. AutoFac, etc.), and the plugins also have those same dependencies. So, an old plugin assembly (.dll file) won't work with a newer nopCommerce version.  (There was a time when nopCommerce upgrades were more frequent - e.g. every 2-3 months, and they would not always upgrade dependent libraries, so you could use the same plugin for a couple of releases, but now the nopCommerce releases being 6+ months apart typically have updated dependencies too.)
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