front end website hangs when uploading a picture

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11 anos atrás
Hi we have just upgraded to 2.65 and have noticed that while we are uploading a new product image in the back end the front end site won't load.  The browser carries on trying to load the page until the picture is uploaded then comes up.  There are no error messages for this.  Pictures are being uploaded to the database.  

Is this a database connection issue?

11 anos atrás
Can anyone help with this? Arvixe aren't being much help.  Everytime we upload pictures the site effectively becomes unavailable.

11 anos atrás
increase the upload file size in admin panel.

Admin panel > configuration >settings>all settings (advanced)

and use funnel filter to find size on Setting Name  with contains mode.

you'll find catalogsettings.fileuploadmaximumsizebytes edit and increase the size.
11 anos atrás
Im not sure that is it, I have checked the size setting and it is on 10000000 (9.5meg).  The picture loads ok but while it is uploading in the admin section the public store doesn't respond at all.

11 anos atrás
check the status with your hosting provider. or if you have dedicated server check the servers' memory status.
11 anos atrás
tried that. avixe havent been any help
11 anos atrás
Reddan - check your folder "write" permissions; when the image is loaded from the database, it's being "written" on the fly for the browser to open, and if the process doesn't have "write" permission, it won't generate the image.
11 anos atrás
Thanks for your reply, which folder do i need to check?  just to explain myself better while the upload is taking place the site refuses to load at all not just pictures.  There is no error message it just hangs until the picture finishes uploading.

11 anos atrás
reddan wrote:
Im not sure that is it, I have checked the size setting and it is on 10000000 (9.5meg).  The picture loads ok but while it is uploading in the admin section the public store doesn't respond at all.


Do you realy have such a big images? The Nop default size is just 204800 (0.2 megs), which is enough for  850 x 850 pixels image
11 anos atrás
reddan wrote:
Thanks for your reply, which folder do i need to check?  just to explain myself better while the upload is taking place the site refuses to load at all not just pictures.  There is no error message it just hangs until the picture finishes uploading.


Does the image *ever* actually load, or just take a long time? I usually grant expanded privileges to "bin" and "content" for starters; "plugin" may be needed, depending on which third-party plugins you're leveraging.
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