Excel Product and Category exported from 2.40 & imported into 2.65?

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11 anos atrás
My desire was to upgrade my from 2.40 to current 2.65, but I cannot get my database to upgrade without errors. I have tried several times.

I only have two orders in my database. I am curious if I exported my products and category records, from my 2.40 and then create a new 2.65 site and import them into that. Will that work?
Are they the same fields?

Thank you,
11 anos atrás
should be fine.

it would be better if you could get the upgrade of your existing DB done tho. As you will loose a lot of information eg customer records/orders related products etc etc
11 anos atrás
Additional fields were added.  If you have a working 2.65 sample system (use admin-demo.nopcommerce.com), then do the Export there and compare fields to see the changes.
You will need to add the extra columns in the exact same place.
11 anos atrás
Furthermore, product attributes and multiple product variants are not supported by export/import process. Upgrading is the only good way
11 anos atrás
Thank you guys for your feedback. In my particular case, I am going to start fresh and hope upgrading to 2.70 will be less painless.

Reason being: My 2.40 site was a learning process. I see now all the mistakes I made in organizing the site. I only made two sales on the site, being that it was only up for a short time.

I am going to do the 2.65 from scratch and I have my 2.40 working in the meantime. This one will be much better and more organized.

I hope some of the products I will be able to import (by editing the excel doc).
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