There is already an object named 'MailChimpEventQueueRecord' in the database.

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11 anos atrás
In upgrading from 2.65 to 2.70, I've run across this error, when trying to install the MailChimp plugin.

I assume that there wasn't a reference to MailChimp in the database upgrade script which I ran.

Any thoughts on how to correct this easily?

I've got a copy of MS SQL Server Management Studio, and have used the 'No-Source' NopCommerce installation files
11 anos atrás
The error indicates that you had already installed the plugin.   When you upgraded your web site, did you keep your previous \App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt ?  That's where the record of what plugins are installed is kept.
11 anos atrás
The error indicates that you had already installed the plugin.   When you upgraded your web site, did you keep your previous \App_Data\InstalledPlugins.txt ?  That's where the record of what plugins are installed is kept.

I added the two files back, after uploading it, which was suggested in the upgrade notes.

I'll see if I can delete that line from that text file to correct it --- THANKS!
11 anos atrás
I only find this text in "InstalledPlugInsText" (Nothing related to MailChimp)


Any other ideas, as to where I might find the file to delete it?

11 anos atrás
Two options

1) use MS SQL Server Management Studio,
USE yourschemaname
DROP TABLE MailChimpEventQueueRecord

2) put this line in your InstalledPlugins.txt file

"Reload list of plugins" or Restart your web app
goto Configuration > Plugins.  Click the MailChimp Uninstall link.
11 anos atrás
Thanks New York

I used the 2nd option and it worked perfectly !

Appreciate you !
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