pictures stored in databse vs filesystem

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14 anos atrás
no, following instructions was never one of my strong points lol,  but best of all, i even managed to miss instruction number 1  ( in all fairness, it is 1.20 am) :

    -Add a new setting in the Administration Panel called "Pictures.InsertToDatabase" and give it a value of false or true.

however, images uploaded perfectly, null value in database, image in file system - all of which is great news - again, great work mattew, thanks

i'll tackle number  1 in the morning because that looks like it will take some time and a fresh head

- hayden
14 anos atrás
lol - number 1 should be the easiest, you can do it the NOP administration panel.

Configuration -> All Settings - > Add New

Name: Pictures.InsertToDatabase
Value: false

14 anos atrás
good work Skiltz - I've not had a chance to look at 1.4 yet, has the thumbnail quality improved on 1.3 or do we need to work on picture manager again ?

got a few sites coming up in New Year so will take a proper look then :)
14 anos atrás
yep, thumbnail quality is good, and (once you follow all the instruction !) it all works works beautifully

- important to reiterate what skiltz stated above, you must decide at the start of your project where you want to store your pictures, you can't store some in the database and some in the filesystem.
14 anos atrás

By any chance can you send me the compiled files needed to get this going?

Do you think this would allow me to easily import images via SQL imports?

I have 4000+ products and going through and adding pictures manually is extremley time consuming.
14 anos atrás
nevermind, I was able to build the libs and perform the rest of the tasks as well, seems to be working well so far.
14 anos atrás

I did what you said in your instructions.
But i dont understand howto compile the new project.

or am i missing something here.

After Modifying the files you specified in the nopCommerce Source (Not what i have installed in my IIS)

i opened the project in my VS C# and it gives me all kinds of errors stating that its not supported in my version.

is there a better way to do this or how should i be doing this.

Thank you,
14 anos atrás
you need to compile the whole project for which you need visual studio


I hope the team will include this or something like it  in the next release - previously the team have preferred only to
store images in the database which i find a problem because of database size but here in this post, skiltz has provided

the option for everybody to choose thier own preferred way of storing images.
14 anos atrás
do you have to compile the entire project or just publish the nopCommerceStore?
14 anos atrás
yes you must recompile the whole project

look in the nopcommercestore/bin    folder

and just upload the files which have been modified
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