Specification TAB not showing

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14 anos atrás
When I switch off the Customer Reviews option in a product the Specification TAB won't show, it only appears if the Reviews are allowed. Is this correct or is there something I need to do.
14 anos atrás
Please ensure that your product has at least one specification attribute
14 anos atrás
Yes I've checked this and there are 2 specifications correctly setup. These are are showing when the "Allow customer reviews:" check box is ticked but if it's not then I have no TAB function at all ??
14 anos atrás
It's the bug that will be fixed in the next release.
14 anos atrás
OK thanks, thats's good to know.

Q: Will it be possible to add tabs of your own, give them names and add content in the next release ? It would be a really useful feature.

Also TABS should come before "related items" and "other customers bought" if they do. Specifications are part of product details so should be within the product info area.
14 anos atrás
Thanks for suggestion. No, it'll not be possible to add custom tabs
14 anos atrás
Specification TAB not showing

Your reply to the post on 2nd January said that this issue was a bug but in fact I simply reversed the two tab containers code in the module and put the "Product Specifications" tab code first within the tab container and it works fine. So maybe not a bug at all.

Better still was able to add my own tabs and link additional data from an external access database using the ProductID as the FK.

I will put this data into the SQL products table and add a additional table once I get some time but for now this works and I dont have to amend the admin area either.

You should add TABS as a feature to further releases they are pretty standard in e-com packages and they're easy to do using AJAX. You just need the data to put in them once you created them.
14 anos atrás
Moving the pnlProductSpecs above the pnlProductReviews solved missing specifications for me.  Customer reviews are disabled.  Thanks for the information and pointer in the right direction!

The file you need to look for is:  Templates/Products/VariantsInGrid.ascx

Near the bottom, place pnlProductSpecs above pnlProductReviews inside teh AJAX Tab Container.  Here is a snippet of how my .ascx looks now.

<ajaxToolkit:TabContainer runat="server" ID="ProductsTabs" ActiveTabIndex="0" SkinID="TabContainer-ProductDetails">
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductSpecs" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductSpecs %>">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductSpecs ID="ctrlProductSpecs" runat="server"></nopCommerce:ProductSpecs>
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductReviews" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductReviews %>">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductReviews ID="ctrlProductReviews" runat="server" ShowWriteReview="true">
14 anos atrás
This bug was fixed in nopCommerce 1.50
14 anos atrás
I am using 1.50 and I still am not seeing the Specifications tab for my products
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