Flash above Menu

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14 anos atrás
Can someone tell me how I could add Flash above the master header menu and below the logo? I guess I just need to add a new section between the two, but I am new to nopCommerce.

any help is greatly appreciated.

14 anos atrás
Hi there,

I tried to put flash banner by changing master.css from APP_Themes folder and Header.ascx file from Modules folder.

In master.css file:

comment out as shown below:

  /*background: url('images/logo.gif');*/
  display: block;
  width: 225px;
  height: 60px;
  text-decoration: none;

and in Header.ascx file embed your flash swf file.

    <div class="header-logo">
<embed>  </embed>
        <a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx")%>" class="logo">&nbsp; </a>

But the problem i ran into was, when i go to view products, flash banner do not work. If you can find a way please let me know.

14 anos atrás
Most likely you need to add the javascript to invoke the swf in the <head></head> tags in the master page.
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