New more user friendly product/variants logic. Let's discuss

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10 anos atrás
I am not getting these warning but as mentioned in another post I have to rebuild the solution to get the admin panel working, a simple build and run does not work.
10 anos atrás
infiniti wrote:
a simple build and run does not work.

Right. You have to compile the solution (Nop.Admin project) in order to get "Nop.Admin.dll" assembly generated
10 anos atrás

a.m. wrote:
But I'm absolutely not sure whether it's acceptable or could cause some issues.

I'll test this out and see if I run into any issues.
10 anos atrás
mattbrummett wrote:
I'm happy to test this out in a demo authentication scenario if you can provide the code with those lines removed. Up to you! :)


Not sure that I got you. Please see my previous reply in which I already described what and where should be removed. Please clarify.
10 anos atrás
Hi Andrei,

I think these current 3.10 changes are AWESOME and LONG OVERDUE.  This re-architecting the Product/ProductVariant structure to Simple and Grouped is such a tremendous improvement.

Question:  Based on the current status of work, and the (estimated) ETA for 3.10 release being End July, can you estimate about how close to completion the current build is (as of 7/14/2013)?  I can use these changes as soon as available and, since I'll have to spend a lot of time updating the Nop 3.10 build with my ongoing customizations, I'm wondering if I can just use the current build and then include the remaining changes when the full release is made available.

When I look at the on-going dev list in codeplex, it appears that all 3.10 items have been closed and completed (if I am reading it correctly)

I understand any estimates you give are not commitments and that anything is subject to change.

Just curious.  I can't wait to start working with the new codebase!

Thanks in advance.
10 anos atrás
gweiss27 wrote:
Hi Andrei,

I think these current 3.10 changes are AWESOME and LONG OVERDUE.  This re-architecting the Product/ProductVariant structure to Simple and Grouped is such a tremendous improvement.

Question:  Based on the current status of work, and the (estimated) ETA for 3.10 release being End July, can you estimate about how close to completion the current build is (as of 7/14/2013)?  I can use these changes as soon as available and, since I'll have to spend a lot of time updating the Nop 3.10 build with my ongoing customizations, I'm wondering if I can just use the current build and then include the remaining changes when the full release is made available.

When I look at the on-going dev list in codeplex, it appears that all 3.10 items have been closed and completed (if I am reading it correctly)

I understand any estimates you give are not commitments and that anything is subject to change.

Just curious.  I can't wait to start working with the new codebase!

Thanks in advance.

I never recommend BETA or upcoming versions in production environments. But in this certain case I think you can start using version 3.10 BETA because there won't be any really significant changes done. But only on your own risk!

A couple of days ago I was going to move to KendoUI but still have some concerns about not being allowed to use server-side wrappers. First I want to try to get an exclusive agreement with Telerik about free usage of these wrappers in nopCommerce (similar to this one with DNN) but it can take a lot of time. That's why this task was postponed. That's why there are several quite small tasks left before 3.10 is released
10 anos atrás
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the quick response!  At the very least, I can get a handle of the new codebase changes and make sure I completely understand how to integrate them.  I'll keep a very close eye on your daily development and any changes that are forthcoming prior to the 3.10 release.

To clarify: it seems you/community are strongly leaning towards migrating to KendoUI, but it is NOT going to be a part of this (3.10) production release?


10 anos atrás
gweiss27 wrote:
To clarify: it seems you/community are strongly leaning towards migrating to KendoUI, but it is NOT going to be a part of this (3.10) production release?

nopCommerce won't use KendoUI in 3.10. But maybe nopCommerce will use KendoUI in some further versions (still thinking about it)
10 anos atrás
If KendoUI improves usability and cotemporaneously reduces development time, then it is worth it. It is not worth it if it is not flexible, meaning hard to extend or difficult to suit requirements.

Regarding attribute values and aside from needing to define a set of default values, there also needs to be a way to edit multiple values at once.
10 anos atrás
I'm just started to use this product and i have some troubles with nopcommerce 3.1. Actually with new simple and grouped products. For example, i have one grouped product (t-shirt) with 2 associated simple products (red and blue t-shirts). What must happened if i'll select "Simple Product Template" for the grouped product? I don't understand the present behavior. I thought that i will see smth like drop-down list with simple products (red and blue t-shirts). Am i right?

Sorry for my english :)
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