Selling by the pound

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15 anos atrás
Our items are sold by the pound.  We would like to remove the (USD) label on the price (detail and summary) and replace it with (Per Pound)

For example on the product grid by category we have items sold $2.99 (USD). We would like to say $2.99 (per pound) instead.  

Is this possible by changing some confugration or only possible by changing the code?
15 anos atrás
Sure. You can change your primary store currency and your primary exchange rate currency on admin area. Go to Configuration, then Location, then Currencies.
15 anos atrás
Its not the currency I like to change.  I would like to remove (USD) and display (per pound or 1 lb) instead.  We sell items by the pound (weight). For example Rice is sold by the pound, so we will like to display $2.99 (lb)

The price already includes the "$" so we dont need to display (USD) or we can append (USD/Lbs) or something like.

Please dont confuse LBS with the British pound.  We will only be selling in the US and by weight (lb).

Thank you for your reply.
13 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:
Sure. You can change your primary store currency and your primary exchange rate currency on admin area. Go to Configuration, then Location, then Currencies.


Where can admin change pricing unit for a product? let's say rather than selling per item I want to sell it per foot or per pound and so.

Can you give me some insight into this?

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