1.40 Bug: Specification filter control shows multiple headings insteading of grouping.

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14 anos atrás
I ran into a problem whereby the list of filter attributes was not being grouped correctly under the "Filter by Attributes" area of ProductSpecificationFilter.ascx.cs

I saw this:
Filter by Attributes

instead of seeing:

So either amend the sproc: [Nop_SpecificationAttributeOptionFilter_LoadByFilter] and orderby SpecificationAttributeName first then by DisplayOrder
or in code I did the following: (ProductSpecificationFilter.ascx.cs)


        protected SpecificationAttributeOptionFilterCollection getNotFilteredSpecs()
            //get all
            SpecificationAttributeOptionFilterCollection result = SpecificationAttributeManager.GetSpecificationAttributeOptionFilter(this.CategoryID);
            //remove already filtered
            SpecificationAttributeOptionFilterCollection alreadyFilteredOptions = getAlreadyFilteredSpecs();
            foreach (SpecificationAttributeOptionFilter saof1 in alreadyFilteredOptions)
                var query = from s
                                in result
                            where s.SpecificationAttributeID == saof1.SpecificationAttributeID
                            select s;

                List<SpecificationAttributeOptionFilter> toRemove = query.ToList();

                foreach (SpecificationAttributeOptionFilter saof2 in toRemove)
      var sortedList = new SpecificationAttributeOptionFilterCollection();
      sortedList.AddRange(result.OrderBy(i => i.SpecificationAttributeName).ToList());
      return sortedList;


Unless of course this is by design
14 anos atrás
It's a bug that will be fixed in the next release
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