Performance optimization needed - NOPCOMMERCE IS TOO SLOW !

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10 anos atrás
Hi, use AsParallels is generated problems?, I my tests there was some gain in performance

public virtual T GetById(object id)
        return this.Entities.Find(id);
10 anos atrás
Hi Andrei,
You have added SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions parameter to improve performance, it's a good idea!

Imagine now I have migrated 6 month ago, google and other search engine have correctly changed all urls because of 301 redirections, and they is only a few old urls leaving on the web, in some forums, blogs etc.
I would expect to change SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions to false and manually set the last redirections using UrlRecord table.

But it's not possible, because if I set a slug with slashes, it won't work :(

Do you think you could allow slashes in slugs for the next version?

Thanks for all you performance efforts

10 anos atrás
nicolas.muniere wrote:
Hi Andrei,
You have added SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions parameter to improve performance, it's a good idea!

Imagine now I have migrated 6 month ago, google and other search engine have correctly changed all urls because of 301 redirections, and they is only a few old urls leaving on the web, in some forums, blogs etc.
I would expect to change SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions to false and manually set the last redirections using UrlRecord table.

But it's not possible, because if I set a slug with slashes, it won't work :(

Do you think you could allow slashes in slugs for the next version?

Thanks for all you performance efforts


Not sure that I got you. Slashes never were supported in slugs and not sure that it'll possbile to support them easily. It's not somehow related to SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions settings.
10 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:
Hi Andrei,

Not sure that I got you. Slashes never were supported in slugs and not sure that it'll possbile to support them easily. It's not somehow related to SupportPreviousNopcommerceVersions settings.

Perhaps I misunderstood this parameter.
My idea was if I someone is linking my web site on an old url like /category/5-apparel.aspx I'm not able to manually add this slug in UrlRecords because it's containing a /
It would be great to support this, and probably not difficult. UrlRecords is actually only used to support url changes, it could become easily a general redirection system.
10 anos atrás
the workaround for that is for GenericPathRoute to map to {*generic_name} rather than {generic_name} I believe.
10 anos atrás
sproaty wrote:
the workaround for that is for GenericPathRoute to map to {*generic_name} rather than {generic_name} I believe.

Absolutly, it's working! Do you think this workaround has some defects? I'm not at ease with routes. Can it slow down the solution, for example by catching all non needed requests?

Thanks for this solution,
10 anos atrás
nicolas.muniere wrote:
the workaround for that is for GenericPathRoute to map to {*generic_name} rather than {generic_name} I believe.

Absolutly, it's working! Do you think this workaround has some defects? I'm not at ease with routes. Can it slow down the solution, for example by catching all non needed requests?

Thanks for this solution,

Some time ago I created a work item. I've added one comment to its description. Please have a look (not sure about it)
10 anos atrás
a.m. wrote:

Some time ago I created a work item. I've added one comment to its description. Please have a look (not sure about it)

For now the only thing I notice is that each missing static ressource like /content/files/missingfile.pdf is catched by GenericPathRoute, it's not a big problem, but I'm not sure of the consequences.
10 anos atrás
Unfortunately that's true, which means it'll try and do a database lookup for that URL. However, nothing will be found and null is returned, so all is okay.
To avoid the database lookup, you could modify the Route to return null if the incoming URL (routeValues["se_name"]) contains a file extension before it uses the urlRecordService to lookup the URL.

And about performance - it should be fine because want to try and match all incoming URLs! The route returns null if nothing is found in the DB, which is the indicator to MVC that this route did not match, and to go on to the next route in the RouteCollection and try and match that. If that doesn't match, try the next; etc, etc.

In one site I run I have two routes mapped to {*url} - one for custom CMS-driven pages, another for custom URL aliases admins can create (e.g. url "12345" is an alias of "some/other/page" - so when you visit, the MVC controller & action that maps to some/other/page is run. So, I need both routes to run and it works great
9 anos atrás
nicolas.muniere wrote:
ProductLoadAllPaged should be used only for search page.

I agree with Nicolas.  I just played with LinqPad rewriting some queries in just Linq and the generated SQL is good.
void Main()
  string connString = "Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=nopCommerce_330_sample;Integrated Security=False;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=UID;Password=PWD;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
  var dbContext = new Nop.Data.NopObjectContext(connString);
  var _productRepository = new Nop.Data.EfRepository<Product>(dbContext);  
  var products = _productRepository.Table;

  var _storeMappingRepository = new Nop.Data.EfRepository<StoreMapping>(dbContext);  
  var storeMappings = _storeMappingRepository.Table;  

  int storeId = 0;
  int categoryId = 2;
//  var query =
//    from p in products
//    where !p.Deleted
//      && p.Published
//      && p.VisibleIndividually
//    select p;

  var query = products.Where(p => !p.Deleted && p.Published && p.VisibleIndividually);
  query = query.Where(p => p.ProductCategories.Any(pc => pc.Id == categoryId));
  //query = query.Where(p => p.ProductCategories.Any(pc => new List<int>(){2,3,4}.Contains(pc.Id) )); //e.g. include sub categories
  //query = query.Where(p => p.ProductCategories.Any(pc => pc.Id == 2 && pc.IsFeaturedProduct));

  //store mapping
//  query = query.Where(p => !p.LimitedToStores
//               || (storeMappings.Any(sm => sm.EntityId == p.Id && sm.EntityName == "Product" && sm.StoreId == storeId))
//            );

  var filteredProducts = products
    .Where(p => !p.Deleted && p.Published && p.VisibleIndividually)
    .Where(p => p.ProductCategories.Any(pc => pc.Id == categoryId));
  // this can be optionally included only if multi-store  (the nested ".Any()" becomes a "AND EXISTS (SELECT ..." )
  if (storeId > 0)
    filteredProducts = filteredProducts
      .Where(p => !p.LimitedToStores
                         || (storeMappings.Any(sm => sm.EntityId == p.Id && sm.EntityName == "Product" && sm.StoreId == storeId)));
  int numberOfProducts = filteredProducts.Count();


Here are my notes / snippets from the nopC code; you can see that several calls to SearchProducts can be replaced by using bits from above.

//  FROM ProductLoadAllPaged sp
//      AND (p.LimitedToStores = 0 OR EXISTS (
//        SELECT 1 FROM [StoreMapping] sm with (NOLOCK)
//        WHERE [sm].EntityId = p.Id AND [sm].EntityName = ''Product'' and [sm].StoreId=' + CAST(@StoreId AS nvarchar(max)) + '
//        ))'
//          AND p.VisibleIndividually = 1
//    LEFT JOIN Product_Category_Mapping pcm with (NOLOCK)
//      ON p.Id = pcm.ProductId    
//        AND pcm.CategoryId

//        protected int GetCategoryProductNumber(int categoryId)      
//                var categoryIds = new List<int>();
//                categoryIds.Add(categoryId);
//                //include subcategories
//                if (_catalogSettings.ShowCategoryProductNumberIncludingSubcategories)
//                    categoryIds.AddRange(GetChildCategoryIds(categoryId));
//                var numberOfProducts = _productService
//                    .SearchProducts(categoryIds: categoryIds,
//                    storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
//                    visibleIndividuallyOnly: true,
//                    pageSize: 1)
//                    .TotalCount;
//                return numberOfProducts;      
//        public ActionResult Category(int categoryId, CatalogPagingFilteringModel command)
//                    featuredProducts = _productService.SearchProducts(
//                       categoryIds: new List<int>() { category.Id },
//                       storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
//                       visibleIndividuallyOnly: true,
//                       featuredProducts: true);      
//        public ActionResult RecentlyAddedProducts()
//        public ActionResult RecentlyAddedProductsRss()    
//                var products = _productService.SearchProducts(
//                    storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
//                    visibleIndividuallyOnly: true,
//                    orderBy:ProductSortingEnum.CreatedOn,
//                    pageSize:_catalogSettings.RecentlyAddedProductsNumber);
//        public ActionResult ProductsByTag(int productTagId, CatalogPagingFilteringModel command)
//            var products = _productService.SearchProducts(
//                storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
//                productTagId: productTag.Id,
//                visibleIndividuallyOnly: true,
//                orderBy: (ProductSortingEnum)command.OrderBy,
//                pageIndex: command.PageNumber - 1,
//                pageSize: command.PageSize);
//                var products = _productService.SearchProducts(storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
//                    visibleIndividuallyOnly: true,
//                    pageSize: 200);
//        public ActionResult DownloadCatalogAsPdf()
//                var products = _productService.SearchProducts(vendorId: vendorId, showHidden: true);
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