Modifying Administration Order Details.ascx

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14 anos atrás
I am trying to modify the OrderDetails.ascx for Administration, however no matter what change I make I get the following error on compilation, but can not figure it out: (I get 137 of these) in the instance of these error I only added the letter 'a' to the table?

Error  47  
'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.OrderDetailsControl' does not contain a definition for 'lblOrderStatus' and no extension method 'lblOrderStatus' accepting a first argument of type 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.Modules.OrderDetailsControl' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)  D:\CountyJew001\nopCommerce_1.40\NopCommerceStore\Administration\Modules\OrderDetails.ascx.cs  53  22  NopCommerceStore
14 anos atrás
try undoing what you did and see if that helps
you could also post the changes you made or tell us what you are trying to do
14 anos atrás
See this is what I can't understand, I make one slight change to anything on the form, there problem occurs, even when I Ctrl+Z to undo, the problem occurs.  This is making me think that it maybe a Visual Studio Problelm.
14 anos atrás
seems strange - did you use visual studio before or is this the first time? - have you had problems previously?

are you editing the SOURCE version of the project? - if so, are you opening visual studio, selecting 'open project' from the file menu then selecting 'NopCommerce.sln'

did you make any canges to
<asp:Label ID="lblOrderStatus" runat="server"></asp:Label> or
in the codebehind?
14 anos atrás
To me it sounds like you have a parenthesis problem.

lblOrderStatus() would be bad.

( xxxxx


would also be bad.

Maybe you are missing a ";" somewhere?
14 anos atrás
i think you have made some changes with code behind.
14 anos atrás
No Changes were made to the code behind, however I have found the problem to be Visual Studio 2010, as all is fine in 2008 :-s
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