Show Attribute SKU

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9 anos atrás

I am using product attribute combinations. In order to do that, the main product has a SKU then each combination has a SKU. I don't see where the combination SKU is shown (even in the basket). I do have "Show SKU" set in the catalog settings.

In my minds eye, the way this would work is that you have the main SKU and the attribute SKU would be a suffix. For example

Product 1 SKU = 1234
Product 1 - Red = 1234A
Product 1 - Blue = 1234B

And so on...

How exactly are product attribute combinations handled inside NOP? It doesn't appear that I can even use those SKUs to import or export overriden prices, on hand amounts, etc.

Thanks a million!

9 anos atrás
The attribute combo SKU does show in the Shopping Cart  (in the SKU column :)
It won't show on the product page (because all attributes are shown independently in dropdowns/radio - not as combos)

The built-in Export/Import does not support attributes
9 anos atrás
I am experiencing the same problem.
I created a SKU for each size of my products (ie 123L; 123XL; 123S) using the attribute combination but the SKU doesn't show anywhere. I would like to see it in the basket and in the order, but I don't see it.
How can I do that?
Thank you!
9 anos atrás
There's an option in the catalog settings that allows you to show skus. When that is checked and go to the product page, you'll see the sku of whichever attribute you have selected. It will change as you select different attributes.

Hope this helps!

9 anos atrás
Dear Kevin,
I can not find this option, sorry.
Could you please be more specific and tell me exactly where is it?
Thank you
9 anos atrás
Ok, I found it in Configuration -> Setting -> catalouge settins ... it is already checked.
But the SKU attributes does not show.
9 anos atrás
Ah...make sure you also set manage inventory to "Track inventory by product attributes". I also set allow only existing combinations. Once set, the product page will show different SKUs for each attribute you set.
9 anos atrás
Thank you for the information.
Could you please tell me where I can find the manage inventory to "Track inventory by product attributes"?
I really can't find it this time.
Many thanks
9 anos atrás

In the administration - on each product edit page (go to the administration - Catalog > Products > Manage Products and choose a product). One of its settings is Manage inventory method. Just set it to "Track inventory by product attributes" from the drop down list.
9 anos atrás
Great, thank you!
Everything works now!
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