To include and calculate the correct State tax NopCommerce v1.40

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14 anos atrás
After configuring the state tax and adding it to a Tax category for Florida, I am experiencing a mis-calculation in the tax percentage and notice the tax was not included in the total.

Item cost:  $ 54.99
Shipping:  $ 4.90
Tax:  $ 3.11       should be  $ 3.29  @FL 6%
Total:  $ 59.89     shipping included not Tax  

Correct Total should be $ 63.18

1. Notice the tax did not calculate correctly
2. Notice the total did not include the tax amount

I do not need a Google expert to search this, but I am looking to find if anyone have actually experienced this dilemma and what have you done to correct it.

Please answer with expert advice not Google seekers...

Thank you...
14 anos atrás
Actually this is a bug which came out in 1.4version, i am not sure if it was solved in 1.5version

tax calculation gives wrong amount with few decimal points and many nopCommerce users faced this same issue

Take a look at these threads:

Hope it helps
14 anos atrás
Presume that your subtotal is displayed already including tax. Go to admin area > configuration > tax > tax setting. Ensure that 'tax display type' is set to "Excluding Tax".
14 anos atrás

Thank you for your expert advice, It calculated the correct Tax and it was added to the total...
This was simple, But I am just introduced into NopCommerce and learning with the team.

Many Thanks !!!
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