Scheduled tasks activation

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14 anos atrás

I correctly configured mail settings and test message runs fine but message queue is always full et no message is sent. It seems that scheduled tasks are not running. How can I start them ?

(Windows 2003 R2, SQL 2005, IIS 6.0)
14 anos atrás
Check the web.config file for these nodes:
    <Thread seconds="120">
      <task name="Emails" type="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Common.Messages.SendQueuedMessagesTask, Nop.Common" enabled="true" stopOnError="false" maxTries="5"/>

The value 'enabled' for the task 'Emails' should read 'true'.

By default it is 'true'.
14 anos atrás
I already checked. All is true except DatabaseMaintenance.

Do you know which service is executing these tasks ?
14 anos atrás
It's not a separate service. It's being executed by the IIS process.

Did you check the log? There might be some usefull information there.

And if you look at the list of messages, what do the 'Tries' value say?
If it says more than 0, then the mail service is trying and there might be something wrong (see log).
If it says 0 tries, then the actual mail service is not being invoked.

Hope this helps searching in the right direction.
14 anos atrás
Also, Are you using your own server or a shared server? as some webhosts may disable you from using this via web.config..

14 anos atrás
Thanks to all.

After one day suddenly, all messages in queue were sent. But it was just after application recycling.
14 anos atrás
I am developing on Vista home premium, with MSSQL 2008 and IIS 7. I have tried using both types of application pool. I have checked the scheduled task settings in web.config. After supplying the correct email settings such that the test email works I still have the situation of all non test messages stuck in the queue with time sent saying not sent yet and number of tries is 0. It seems the scheduled tasks are either not running despite being enabled or are just ignoring the queues. There is nothing in the log. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is now holding me up.
13 anos atrás
I've been following all the updates from codeplex, this excellent team work nopcommerce. But the latest updates, I noticed that the ScheduleTasks stopped working on the hosting server, works only site http://localhost/.
Even restarting or recycling the application pool on the server hosting the service does not start ScheduleTasks.
I believe we have a new limitation made by the hosting server or any change in the source code that affected the ScheduleTasks ..
Limitations in the Global.asax file.
13 anos atrás
I have solved this problem, at least what the problem was for me. I decided to see if I could debug the problem in VWD 2008 and I had no sooner run nopcommerce in debug in VWD when the emails started coming through. Now nopcommerce source for 1.5 comes configured to use ASP.NET developer service when debugged in VWD 2008 rather than IIS so obviously something different between the two. I seemed to remember reading somewhere that ASP.NET developer service uses integrated pipeline, new at IIS7, yet I seemed to remember that in IIS7 manager I had noticed that both application pools by default use clasic pipeline, which on checking was the case. I figured that as the message queues are handled internally by nopcommerce via background tasks this could be causing the problem. So I changed the application pool used by nopcommerce to integrated pipeline and lo and behold all email is now working. This may not, of course, be what is causing the emails not being sent problems for others, but I would suggest it is worth checking out. I had posted this on a different nopCommerce forum, so I apologise for not posting it here before now.
13 anos atrás
ricardo wrote:
I've been following all the updates from codeplex, this excellent team work nopcommerce. But the latest updates, I noticed that the ScheduleTasks stopped working on the hosting server, works only site http://localhost/.
Even restarting or recycling the application pool on the server hosting the service does not start ScheduleTasks.
I believe we have a new limitation made by the hosting server or any change in the source code that affected the ScheduleTasks ..
Limitations in the Global.asax file.

I ran into the same problem with a post 180 codeplex update.   Its always worked locally but not on my shared hosting server.

I was already in integrated mode so I changed the Application pool bitness from 64 bit to 32 bit and all the emails are being sent out now

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