About the "Published" and the "Deleted" attributes of the Category

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14 anos atrás
Hello all,
I am not sure if I have posted to the correct forum.
I am now working on the 3rd party integration with nopCommerce (1.5), I found that, when I uncheck the "Published" setting for a category, it still shows in the Categories section on the default page, when I click this "unpublished" category, the nopCommerce returns to the home page.
However, when I set the category to be "Deleted" in database, and click the root category to which the "Deleted" one belongs, nopCommerce also directed me to the home page.

I don't know if this is the standard nopCommerce functionality. Could someone here help me on this?
14 anos atrás
if nop is directed to an unpublished page, it will quite correctly redirect to the default pag - when you say you clicked unpublish a category, but it still appears on the front page - are you clicking the save button  once you untick the publish checkbox?
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