SUGGESTION : 'select all' checkbox on 'add product to category' popup window

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13 anos atrás
it would be useful to have a 'select all' checkbox on the 'add product to category' popup window

which we use when we are editing a category

(  categoryDetails.aspx        products tab --> add product  )
13 anos atrás

With referece to the  'select all' checkbox on

Bulk Edit Products

I don't think it is obvious enough to the end user that checkboxes on the page have to be checked before clicking 'update product'

There should be some text to indicate this (and an alert if 'update' is selected without checking the boxes)
13 anos atrás
There is only 10 items show up when Add product to category(  Manage Categories--edit category--products ). Any way to change 10 items to much more ? Any suggestion ? Thank you very much.
13 anos atrás
in administartion folder/ modules

look for  categoryProductAdd.ascx


<asp:GridView ID="gvProducts" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%"
    OnPageIndexChanging="gvProducts_PageIndexChanging" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10">

change the pagesize to what you want - I find 50 is useful
13 anos atrás
Haydie, Thanks for your help . It works perfectly.
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