Moving to nopcomerce - 2 questions...

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7 anos atrás
hi there

we currently use a .net system shopping cart called vevocart. But its past its best. so we are looking to move and nopcomerce seems a good fit.

I am looking for some advice!!

what is generally the best way to move to a nopcommerce site in terms of seo.

i.e. how do i redirect product pages? to

i have tried searching the web and cant seem to find a straight answer. Do .net sites have a problem with this?

i dont want to lose all my links !

If my site has 2000 categories and 6000 products with approx 500 visitors a day. What sort of hosting would i require?

Currently we are on shared hosting and it runs ok, but im happy to change this. id quite like to use multisite option too.

Thanks for any help/advice!
7 anos atrás
toadman wrote:
hi there

we currently use a .net system shopping cart called vevocart. But its past its best. so we are looking to move and nopcomerce seems a good fit.

I am looking for some advice!!

what is generally the best way to move to a nopcommerce site in terms of seo.

i.e. how do i redirect product pages? to

i have tried searching the web and cant seem to find a straight answer. Do .net sites have a problem with this?

i dont want to lose all my links !

If my site has 2000 categories and 6000 products with approx 500 visitors a day. What sort of hosting would i require?

Currently we are on shared hosting and it runs ok, but im happy to change this. id quite like to use multisite option too.

Thanks for any help/advice!

Re: "Migration"
- Try this article I've written: Migrating Old (Existing) URLs To NopCommerce URLs

RE: "Hosting"
- I have been using Azure for years, and I like it. But if you want options, try myASP.Net which is pretty good too.
7 anos atrás
toadman wrote:
hi there

we currently use a .net system shopping cart called vevocart. But its past its best. so we are looking to move and nopcomerce seems a good fit.

I am looking for some advice!!

what is generally the best way to move to a nopcommerce site in terms of seo.

i.e. how do i redirect product pages? to

i have tried searching the web and cant seem to find a straight answer. Do .net sites have a problem with this?

i dont want to lose all my links !

If my site has 2000 categories and 6000 products with approx 500 visitors a day. What sort of hosting would i require?

Currently we are on shared hosting and it runs ok, but im happy to change this. id quite like to use multisite option too.

Thanks for any help/advice!

I recommend for hosting.
7 anos atrás
toadman wrote:
what is generally the best way to move to a nopcommerce site in terms of seo.

i.e. how do i redirect product pages? to

Using IIS URL Rewrite is the usual way (and the closest equivalent of Apache's rewrite_mod that you might be familiar with from other environments).

If there's some sort of logical relationship between the old urls and the new urls it's possible that you might be able to write a regular expression based redirect rule to automatically generate the redirects. If that's not possible or you've already got a big list of which old urls map to which new urls then I'd suggest using a static rewrite map. This blog post has a good explanation of what's required (and includes moving the rewrite map into it's own config file which is preferable).

I think there are at least a couple of plugins around that offer redirect functionality too, but for the fastest response I'd always prefer to handle it in IIS since you're getting hold of the request much earlier in the IIS pipeline and can issue the redirect before it even hits the MVC routing engine.
7 anos atrás
hi there, thank you very much for all the info !
regarding the hosting. is there a min feature i should go for in terms of memory etc ? so my site loads fast!
7 anos atrás
toadman wrote:
hi there, thank you very much for all the info !
regarding the hosting. is there a min feature i should go for in terms of memory etc ? so my site loads fast!

Any VPS with 3 o 4 GB of RAM and 80 GB of disk would be more than enough
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