new to nopcommerce

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15 anos atrás
Hi, i just downloaded this great script today and its working fine. i downloaded some new modules as well how would I install them besides by just copy pasting them to the correct folders; do I have to do some extra coding?

also, how would i go about adding custom features of my own? would they be modules or can i just edit a page like default/register.aspx etc. thanks


<li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx")%>">
            <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Content.Home")%></a> </li>

if i change ("Content.Home") to ("Home") would it affect anything? currently it doesnt when i changed the others as well.
15 anos atrás
What "modules" did you download? Installation will no doubt depend on what they are...

You can add features to nopCommerce very easily. Again how you add them depends on the modification you wish to make.

Sure you can change the existing pages/user controls, or add your own.

"if i change ("Content.Home") to ("Home") would it affect anything? currently it doesnt when i changed the others as well."

I am not sure you understand what this code is doing? It is looking for a resource string called "Content.Home" - see administration > content management > localization

So if you change to "Home" - it is now looking for a resource string called "Home". If you want to change the text used in localized content, you should change these within administration rather than hardcoding the text onto individual pages/controls.

Hope this helps.
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