Product Attributes / Predefined Values / Associated product

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7 anos atrás
I like the Product attributes, and have especially found the Condition and Associated Product features great for my needs.  My one suggestion though is when it comes to predefined values for product attributes.  I would like the ability for the Predefined attributes to be based on associated products.  Right now every time I a specific product attribute to a new product, I have to change them line by line to associated products.

For example I am currently playing with Custom Built Laptops based on various "Shells".  When I add a new product I have the following possible attributes

· Memory - 7 or more options (Model dependent)
· M.2 PCIe/SATA - Currently 16
· 2nd M.2 SATA Only - Currently 10 (Not on all models)
· 2.5" SATA Drive - Currently 14
· 2nd 2.5" SATA Drive - Currently 14
· Operating System options - 3
· etc...

Currently I have 7 Base Units, and that will probably increase,
so currently if I add a new Laptop I might have to make as many as 70 Edits to make the attributes associated to other products.
7 anos atrás
Have you tried using the Copy Product button instead to create a copy of an existing product with similar options? You could even create an unpublished laptop template product with all the associated product attribute options already attached so it's just a case of creating copies of the template product and deleting any options that don't apply which is much quicker than adding or editing options.
7 anos atrás
Thanks for the advice.  I have done the copy, but not until the last one that I entered.  I do like the idea of having an unpublished blank as sort of a template, but there is still one time consuming issue that this doesn't solve.  Like the following scenario:

Intel brings out a new series of SSD, with 7 new M.2 and 7 new 2.5", that's between 14 and 28 changes per laptop (4 current models support up to 2 of each), so that's a lot of changes, and doesn't include deleting discontinued drives.  If the Predefined supported associated products I could make changes to the 4 Product Attributes predefined values (M.2, second M.2, 2.5, second 2.5).  Then go to each Laptop Delete and re-create the appropriate attributes.

It brings me to another thing that would be helpful, either the ability to have the same product attribute twice on the same product, or at least the ability to Copy product attributes (For the Laptops that support up to two of the same type of device.

I imagine it is just takes modifying the
to be more like

If I get time I will have to compare those and see if I can tweak it myself.
7 anos atrás
If you're using the latest version of nop (3.8) then the product export to Excel and import from Excel now supports product attributes including the Associated to product attribute type. That would probably be the easiest way to make those kind of mass updates.
7 anos atrás
Thanks again Pete.  I didn't know that the Excel export now supported those features.  I will have to play with that tomorrow.
7 anos atrás

You can also go for a custom way to achieve something which is not out of box available in nopCommerce.
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