CSS missing on website deployment

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7 anos atrás
Hi all,

I've tested and configured my website using IIS Express as my local server. I've now deployed it on the web using IIS and everything works except for its not loading the CSS / theme.  I've tried giving IUSR and IIS USERS access to the folder and that didn't work. I changed the Anonymous user authentication in IIS settings from IUSR to default app pool user and that hasn't worked either.

I'm clutching at straws at this point, when im back in front of my machine i'll try once again by clearing cache of the browsers to see if that was having an affect and perhaps try copying the entire contents of the website instead of using the deploy option from within Visual Studios Community 2015 to see if that makes any difference.

Has anyone come across a similar issue and what did you do to fix it?

Everything works fine when I run from local server using IIS express in development, I only get no theme / CSS or images once deployed to IIS. I'm using the latest version of Nopcommerce, 3.x, Win 10, VS 2015 Community. The website is deployed to a different drive to that of the development and VS install, but I have tried deploying to the local drives and got the exact same problems. :(
7 anos atrás
Ok, got it working. Uninstalled and re-installed IIS. This time with all features. I'll undo whichever features i don't require as i move on, but in the meantime its working!
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