Import Product ID

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7 anos atrás
Hello, I wanted to import my products in NopCommerce. But I also need the Product.ID of the product that I am importing, because my Plugin needs this ID to call the a web service that requires the ProductID. But I haven't seen a way for it. How can I import the ProductID? Is there an alternative field to save the Product.ID? Can I maybe use the MetaDescription Field or does it have another purpose?
7 anos atrás
Why not use SKU? :)
7 anos atrás
Our products have two identifiers. SKU and a ID. The difference is that SKU is changable by the user, but the Product.ID isn't and is not visible to the user. So I need to import both of them in the database of NopCommerce. Is there another alternative to import Product.ID in?
7 anos atrás
ID is usually an auto-generated field, and has several Foreign Key reference. So unless special care is taken, it can easily lead to data-mismatch. I am afraid there is no easy way to do it. You have to write your own custom codes to do this. :)
7 anos atrás
I have found out that there is also an ManufactorerPartNumber. Maybe I can use that for the Product.ID?
7 anos atrás
Technically speaking, yes, you can use any unused field. :)
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