OverWrite Order Details - Report payment not works

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7 anos atrás
I overWrite Details View in Nop.Web for orders in the plugin. I just copied and add some additional buttons, with saving original code. And now button Report payment not works. Could u please help me with this?
Button code:

                       @*<li class="repost">
                                    @using (Html.BeginRouteForm("OrderDetails", FormMethod.Post))
                                        <input type="submit" name="repost-payment" value="@T("Order.RetryPayment")" class="button-2 re-order-button" />
                                        <p class="hint">

How to return into original route???
7 anos atrás
I trying to make like

                                <div class="page-title">
                                    <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("RePostPayment", new { orderId = Model.Id })" class="t-button">@T("Order.RetryPayment")</a>

But seems RouteUrl is incorrect. Could u please assist me how to make it better??
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