Hi all,

Just for some nice little extra try this:
- Open Modules\CustomerRegister.ascx
- find private void FillCountryDropDowns()
- change it to:
private void FillCountryDropDowns()
            DropDownList ddlCountry = (DropDownList)CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlCountry");
      CountryCollection countryCollection = CountryManager.GetAllCountriesForRegistration();
      string langCountry = NopContext.Current.WorkingLanguage.LanguageCulture.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();
            foreach (Country country in countryCollection)
        ListItem ddlCountryItem2 = new ListItem(country.Name, country.CountryID.ToString()) {
          Selected = country.TwoLetterISOCode == langCountry

And now the country is based on the language that is selected.


Edit: you can also do this for FillCountryDropDownsForBilling and FillCountryDropDownsForShipping in Modules\AddressEdit.ascx