I am working on setting up color squares as a product attribute and I am running into issues where the images for the color related SKU will not change on the page when in color square mode. When I have it as a drop-down list, all the images will change with the selection you pick (brown, blue, etc whatever color values you choose as available) and when you add to cart it will have the correct SKU and price related. When they are in color square mode as the picker, you can click on the appropriate square and it does not change the image or the thumbnails that come with that SKU. If you were to add to cart after selecting a different color, it will put the appropriate SKU into the cart with the correct price, but nothing ever changes on the single product page as far as displaying goes. It seems like it is just missing a piece for full functionality and I don't know if I am missing a step here or if this is actually a bug. Does anyone here have any similar problem or a potential answer to my problem I am having?