Adding a Web Service to a Plugin

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6 anos atrás
Hi I'm having a problem adding a web service to a plugin.  This is a wsdl from a tax service provider called OneSource.  Here is the wsdl URL:

I'm able to add it to my solution no problem and call into it to get tax rates while debugging.  The problem is that when I take the plugin output files and install the plugin I get an internal server 500 error when trying to get rates.  I suspect it has something to do with the build properties of the files that wsdl adds which are a .map file, a .cs file, 2 datasources, the .wsdl file itself and an .xsd.

I've tried different build properties for these files but I'm still not able to get tax rates.  Is there something I'm not doing when adding a web service to a plugin?  

Thanks for your help,
6 anos atrás
Update... my latest theory is the POST fails from the plugin.  Is there any examples of POST calls inside any of the stock plugins?
6 anos atrás
SOLVED.  I had to enable 32 bit applications in the app pool advanced settings on IIS.  The POST works every time now.
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