nopCommerce 1.70 is coming in 10 days. Beta testers needed.

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13 anos atrás
foreyk wrote:
I would like to test it, but does this will work on an ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4205  hosting place? Not sure if Arvixe have version 4 available

It will only work if they have .NET 4 installed.

You could always download and run it locally using IIS or Visual Studio / Web Developer built in web server.
13 anos atrás
Build 54692 - After importing about 43 categories and 400 products.  When I try to access the products/manage products.  Ill either get a out of memory exception @ Line 37 of SelectCategoryControl.aspx.cs


An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Web.dll @ line 85 of NopStaticCache.cs

13 anos atrás
nopCommerce team | retroviz wrote:

It will only work if they have .NET 4 installed.

You could always download and run it locally using IIS or Visual Studio / Web Developer built in web server.

Those that mean 1.7 will not work is host do not upgrade their asp? So if everything is ok in the next 10 days, people won't be able to upgrade
13 anos atrás
foreyk wrote:

Those that mean 1.7 will not work is host do not upgrade their asp? So if everything is ok in the next 10 days, people won't be able to upgrade


Basically yes. If your host does not support 4 then you will not be able to upgrade.

The biggest change with 1.7 is the implementation of Entity Framework 4 for database persistence. This is part of version 4 of the .NET framework.

To be honest, most hosts who supported 3.5sp1 now offer version 4 (it's not like it costs them anything to support it). If your host has no plans to upgrade you may want to check out some of the featured hosts on this site.
13 anos atrás
Suggestion: Add the language name, as a tool tip (html title) and alternate text, to the image button when images (flags) are used for language selection. This way the alternate text will at least display the language name if the store owner specifies an image name that doesn't exist when adding the language and the tool tip can show what languages are available before selecting them (flags can be ambiguous since some countries use more than one language).

Implement by editing file: Modules\LanguageSelector.ascx (line 11, new code underlined)
    AlternateText='<%#Eval("Name").ToString()%>' />

And edit file: Modules\LanguageSelector.ascx.cs

Add the following Property to the RptLanguageItem class:
    public string Name {get; set;}

Add the following at line 57:
    item.Name = language.Name;

13 anos atrás
Thanks to everyone for suggestions and reporting issues. 95% of them will implemented/fixed in nopCommerce 1.70
13 anos atrás
SonicImaging wrote:
Build 54692 - After importing about 43 categories and 400 products.  When I try to access the products/manage products.  Ill either get a out of memory exception @ Line 37 of SelectCategoryControl.aspx.cs


An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Web.dll @ line 85 of NopStaticCache.cs

After starting from scratch with build 54713 im no longer getting the above errors.   the product and categories are working great!!
13 anos atrás
Andrei,  question about the Entity Framework 4.0....   Before 1.7 I used sql to delete and clean up the database before importing all my customers and orders from my live site

with the Entity Framework im running the following code,  but after a while some of the records start showing up again.  If I debug then check the database after the SaveChanges all the records are gone from the database.  Then if I stop debugging and check the database some of the records come back.  have you seen this before.   Does it have something to do with the cache?

// Delete all of the customers
            foreach (Customer customerItem in ObjectContextHelper.CurrentObjectContext.Customers)
                if (!ObjectContextHelper.CurrentObjectContext.IsAttached(customerItem))

            // Commit all of the changes
13 anos atrás
SonicImaging wrote:
Andrei,  question about the Entity Framework 4.0....

Maybe. It needs debugging
13 anos atrás
Hi, Andrei,
The scripts for "Check All" for Payment Methods and Shipping Methods are still running too slow.


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