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13 anos atrás
We are extremely happy to announce the grand opening of our site GOODEMOTIONSDVD.COM.  We have well over 400,000 unique skus in our system consisting of Blu-ray, DVD, CD, and Video Games.

Our very large inventory running on NOP proves that NOP is a solid, professional, and production-grade product.  Please check us out when you can.


Mashal Team
13 anos atrás
hello Mashal
Your website looks great !!!!!
13 anos atrás
Thank you!  There is still lots of work to be done but it's a start :)
13 anos atrás
ah great, thanks!
13 anos atrás
The top menu is very impressive. I like how the designer used graphics to emphasize which page has focus. Is the designer who made that menu available for other work? Does he or she have a website? Or maybe it was you who designed the menu.

In 3 words describe the menu:
Attention-grabbing, color-coordinated, simple.

Simple is better. The KISS principle, "Keep it Simple Stupid". I am going to college for a B.S. in Software Engineering and I took a class a couple of months ago and we spent quite a while on why user interfaces are so important. Believe it or not, but everything eventually ends up being all about the Bottom-Line. Here is the number one reason I saw for keeping user interfaces as simple as possible:

"An easy to use and easy to understand user interface will reduce the learning curves of the users which will in turn increase revenue."

I see a lot of menus that are very nice, detailed, and look like a lot of work into designing them. But do they help the user find what they are looking for right away or does the user have to look for it. Your menu kept everything very simple and I was able to see all the different links right away and the font colors used contrasted well because I did not have to strain my eyes at all to see the text.

Good job.
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