Change Module code without make dll compilation

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13 anos atrás
I try to change the code of ProductBox1.ascx.cs, but the change is not reflected in the web. I think the code beyond (NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.ProductBox1Control) is more relevant and if I want to modificate it I have to compile a new version of the dll.
Can I make changes in a Module without rebuild NopCommerce ?

Thank you.

note: sorry for my english.
13 anos atrás
The only way round this would be to create the module in your own project then copy the module and your projects assembly (dll) into nopCommerce.

This is how we typically handle extensions that we do for nopCommerce.
13 anos atrás
OK, It's one solution.
Another solution, may be, if you use overridable functions in modules we can overrides it and use the same code.
Its an porpouse.
Thank you.
13 anos atrás
Convert this web project to web site. After that You will not need to build and create dll. Your changes will be directly reflected by just uploading .cs file. This is very time saving.
13 anos atrás
Dynamic compilation (via App_Code) is not recommended for a project of this size, particularly where we separate the business and data access layers.
13 anos atrás
Hi retroviz,

I am not getting you. But I am sure that I open website and never builds it when I make changes in .cs file. I need to build only libraries (whenever I change library). Ya to convert it as website was little challanging.
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