Want to display only group products

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6 anos atrás

I have created one new page. Now I want to get displayed group products on that page from particular category.

Can any one guide me.

6 anos atrás
@pms hello...

You can use the _productService.SearchProducts function available in IProductService

the function SearchProducts takes a list of inputs like

IPagedList<Product> SearchProducts(
            int pageIndex = 0,
            int pageSize = int.MaxValue,
            IList<int> categoryIds = null,
            int manufacturerId = 0,
            int storeId = 0,
            int vendorId = 0,
            int warehouseId = 0,
            ProductType? productType = null,
            bool visibleIndividuallyOnly = false,
            bool markedAsNewOnly = false,
            bool? featuredProducts = null,
            decimal? priceMin = null,
            decimal? priceMax = null,
            int productTagId = 0,
            string keywords = null,
            bool searchDescriptions = false,
            bool searchManufacturerPartNumber = true,
            bool searchSku = true,
            bool searchProductTags = false,
            int languageId = 0,
            IList<int> filteredSpecs = null,
            ProductSortingEnum orderBy = ProductSortingEnum.Position,
            bool showHidden = false,
            bool? overridePublished = null);

it returns a pagelist of all products...

let me know how far you went....

regards :)
6 anos atrás
pass productType.Group in parameter   ProductType in search product service.
6 anos atrás
Thanks for this help..

If I want to use this in cshtml file then can I do and also how can I access product id & name.

6 anos atrás
@pms ..

The best way to show it in .cshtml it to bind the view with ViewModel which contains the group of products..

model would have this property ..

 public IList<Product> productList { get; set; }  

fill this Dto with actual product in your controller with the above mentioned function.

and then run a foreach loop in your .cshtml view
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