Finding a function

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14 anos atrás
I'm searching my socks off to find where the function SaveInfo() is located. It is called from / administration / modules / ProductTemplateDetails.ascx.cs


protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                    ProductTemplate productTemplate = ctrlProductTemplateInfo.SaveInfo();
                    Response.Redirect("ProductTemplateDetails.aspx?PrroductTemplateID=" + productTemplate.ProductTemplateID.ToString());
                catch (Exception exc)

If someone can enlighten me its much appreciated!
14 anos atrás
USRFobiwan wrote:
I'm searching my socks off to find where the function SaveInfo() is located. It is called from / administration / modules / ProductTemplateDetails.ascx.cs


protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                    ProductTemplate productTemplate = ctrlProductTemplateInfo.SaveInfo();
                    Response.Redirect("ProductTemplateDetails.aspx?PrroductTemplateID=" + productTemplate.ProductTemplateID.ToString());
                catch (Exception exc)

If someone can enlighten me its much appreciated!


Well, if you right click and choose "Go to definition" on the SaveInfo() method then you'll end up in ProductTemplateInfoControl.ascx.cs
14 anos atrás
I forgot about that handy feature damn! thanx for the enlightenment
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