High DB usage in 4.0

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5 anos atrás

I have recently upgraded to V4.0 from 3.7, however since then my DB allocated DTU usage is constantly at 100% (it is running on Azure). I have doubled the DTU amount from 5 to 10, and although better it is still suffering 100% usage most of the time. I am also getting a lot of Execution Timeout Expired errors in the logs relating to builtin@search_engine_record.com trying to access urls like https://www.myewebsite.com/service-items?specs=1%2C25 (which seems an illegal url parameter anyway).

I have changed:

<a href="@spec.FilterUrl">
<a href="@spec.FilterUrl" rel="nofollow">
in _FilterSpecsBox.cshtml but this doesnt seem to have helped much...

I have also seen a fix for 3.8 which recommends setting the following in Web.Config:

  <rule name="SpecsSpiderCrawl" stopProcessing="true">
          <match url=".*" />
            <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="specs=.*" />
            <add input="{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" pattern="googlebot|bingbot|Baiduspider|Yandex|YoudaoBot|sogou|NaverBot|moget|ichiro" />
          <action type="Redirect" url="http://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:0}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />

However as 4.0 is running on ASP.Net Core, this doesnt seem to work and according to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/url-rewriting?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=aspnetcore2x it is not done in web.config anymore...

Does anyone have an example to fix the problem?

P.S. Azure is also recommending some changes to indexes to increase performance, but I have resisted as I dont want to screw it up.
5 anos atrás
Bump from middle of spam
5 anos atrás
What Azure is recommending to increase performance?
5 anos atrás
The recommendations are:


Recommendation description


Create index
Indexed columns:[SentOnUtc], [DontSendBeforeDateUtc]


Create index
Indexed columns:[Deleted], [Published], [VisibleIndividually], [MarkAsNew]


Drop index
Index name:IX_Product_Manufacturer_Mapping_ProductId
Reason:Duplicate index
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