Add a message template

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13 anos atrás
Since you cannot add a new message template via the administration area (there is no 'new' button).
Do you need to add a new template into the Database itself or is there another way to add a new message template?

Did somebody already done this. If so, can you give some information what steps you have taken.
13 anos atrás
We're using the following SQL script to add new message templates:
    SELECT 1
    FROM [dbo].[Nop_MessageTemplate]
    WHERE [Name] = N'YourTemplateName')
  INSERT [dbo].[Nop_MessageTemplate] ([Name])
  VALUES (N'YourTemplateName')

  DECLARE @MessageTemplateID INT
  SELECT @MessageTemplateID =  mt.MessageTemplateID FROM Nop_MessageTemplate mt
              WHERE mt.Name = N'YourTemplateName'

  IF (@MessageTemplateID > 0)
    INSERT [dbo].[Nop_MessageTemplateLocalized] ([MessageTemplateID], [LanguageID], [BCCEmailAddresses], [Subject], [Body])
    VALUES (@MessageTemplateID, 7, N'', N'your email title',  N'your email body')

P.S. Replace 7 with your language identifier
13 anos atrás
Thank you Andrei :)
12 anos atrás
where do i add this?

After the customer email to us, I want to set up:

- an automated confirmation to the customer’s email should read as follows  
Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry.  At, we strive to provide you with the best customer service by assisting each individual in great detail.  As such, please note that we will respond to your inquiry between 24-48 hours.  
Best regards,

The Team

Add a “SHOP NOW”  box and link it to our site

do you think would that be helpful? sorry, i'm new to here. looking forward for a positive response.
12 anos atrás

Setup an auto responder on your mail server if you host your own site, server etc or use third party auto responder software to the email address's you want.

If you use outlook:

12 anos atrás
okay thanks. :)
11 anos atrás
I would also like to add custom templates to our installation of nop, but the database has changed since the above solution was provided. Could you all show us how this is done in more current revisions?
8 anos atrás

This post is very old and that's why I am using it anyway as the topic is the same. But not sure if in new versions of Nop we're able to add new message templates.  I had a look at the system templates but the Message templates is not there. Am using Nop 3.70 and am hoping to avoid having to resolve this in coding. I see no "Add" button in the admin area, which could be very useful.

From the existing templates list, some are missing that might be critical to store owners, at least they are to me and I would like to know how to resolve this:

- Refunded order: a message template for Vendor notification
- Order cancellation: Vendor notification message template (that's critical to ensure that the vendor knows the order did not go through, and for accounting purposes)
- Vendor account: Vendor notification to confirm activation of account

7 anos atrás
As in 3.80 Version , There two options:

1. Click edit on any existing message template click copy template then edit the template as you need

2. Run SQL Script to create new message template

   FROM [dbo].[MessageTemplate]
   WHERE [Name]=N'Nop.Plugin.MyPlugin.OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification')
INSERT [dbo].[MessageTemplate] ([Name], [BccEmailAddresses], [Subject], [Body], [IsActive], [DelayBeforeSend], [DelayPeriodId], [AttachedDownloadId], [EmailAccountId],[LimitedToStores])
VALUES (N'Nop.Plugin.MyPlugin.OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification', NULL, N'Order receipt from %Store.Name%.', N'<p> Hi! This message from% Store.Name% </ p> ', 'true', null,0, 0,1,0)

Note: Nop.Plugin.MyPlugin.OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification is just message template name you can add any name you like



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