Bug in StoredProcedure [Nop_ShippingMethodLoadAll]

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13 anos atrás

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that there is a bug in SP [Nop_ShippingMethodLoadAll].
If shipping is enabled to several countries only, these countries are inserted in table:

During checkout, I get the message that shipping isn't possible to the selected country because
the SP doesn't load a shipping method - please have a look at the following query:

SELECT  sm.*    FROM [Nop_ShippingMethod] sm
WHERE     sm.ShippingMethodID NOT IN
            SELECT smc.ShippingMethodID
            FROM   [Nop_ShippingMethod_RestrictedCountries] smc
            smc.CountryID = @FilterByCountryID AND
            sm.ShippingMethodID = smc.ShippingMethodID

Shouldn't this 'NOT IN' be better an 'IN' to get the right result ?!?
(this problem exists up to current version 1.70 of NopCommerce)

Thanks !
13 anos atrás
You restrict countries on that page (not allow). So it works fine
13 anos atrás
OK, so that was a misunderstanding because
'restricted' translated to german also means 'limited to', so
I thought only these countries are possible for shipping to -
just the opposite.

I've been only wondering where these entries in this table
come from - maybe I've played around too much on the
administration page ;-)

Thank you for answering !
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