Ajax cart using jQuery

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13 anos atrás
I have put together an Ajax enabled cart using jQuery with nopCommerce 1.70. You can see it in action at:


The instructions for how to make this modification are here:


Hope you like it! Any questions or comments, post them here...


13 anos atrás

Good job.
P.S. One issue: it doesn't support product attriutes and gift cards
13 anos atrás
Thanks, I'll have to look into that...
13 anos atrás

Can you tell me how I should pass the product variants to "string selectedAttributes" in "ShoppingCartManager.AddToCart"? I'm assuming that it is just one long string... but how it is formatted? Are they name/value pairs like attribute=black? What should separate them?

Also, is the gift card information passed to "string selectedAttributes" as well?


13 anos atrás
Ok.. I've got it to where if you click on a product with attributes in the categories page it takes you to the product's detail page... and I'm pretty sure that I can get the attribute values from the product's detail page, but I still need to figure out how to pass them.

13 anos atrás
I'm close to having support for product attributes and gift cards... it was harder than I thought! I'm also adding support for "customer enters own price".

I'll be done by next weekend, assuming that the gift card part doesn't give me as much trouble as the attributes. I'll post the code and explanation then.

Does anyone know if there is anything else that needs to be supported?

13 anos atrás
The Ajax cart using jQuery is about done... I've added support for product attribues and gift cards and "customer enters own price".

You can check it out at:


The first product listed is an "enter your own price" item, the second is a gift card; the third, fourth and fifth have attributes...

They all seem to work just fine. The only issue I am having is that when you enter a price for the "enter your own price" item, a red notice comes up that says "Price must be between 1 and 1000" when you put in a decimal number like "19.95" - which IS between 1 and 1000! It still adds it to the cart, but that red text is wrong... (easy to remove I guess)

Please let me know if anything does not work as expected/desired and if there is anything that I forgot to add support for.

I'll try and put together (better) instructions and some files for download this weekend.

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