Inserting Flash via the Topic editor breaks the editor

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13 anos atrás
I'm using Nop v1.8.

I remember in 1.4 there was an insert SWF button, but now there isn't.

When I insert Flash into the Topic (specifically, HomePageText) the editor disappears---the SWF gets displayed on the public site, but I lose the ability to continue editing the HomePageText.

I tried two methods of embedding the swf:  swfobject.js via googleapis, then the standard Object/Embed tag method.  Both methods break the editor.

Further testing revealed that simply typing in an embed tag  (ie, <embed>asdf</embed>) breaks the editor.

Any suggestions?

*************  my swfobject code, pretty standard stuff ************
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var params = {
    quality: "high",
    scale: "noscale",
    wmode: "window",
    allowscriptaccess: "always",
    bgcolor: "#ffffff"
  var flashvars = {};
  var attributes = {id:"flash-deliver-by"};
  swfobject.embedSWF("", "flash-deliver-by", "630", "80", "9.0.124", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
13 anos atrás
This is what I have done in 1.9 version in the contactus topic and it worked.
I am guessing it should work for 1.8 too:

<embed width="514" height="428" align="middle" pluginspage="" src="mystuff.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" />
13 anos atrás
Thanks for the help naimul,

I copy/pasted your self terminating embed tag into the topic (and adjusted my swf info o' course), but it still broke the editor.

If it's working in 1.9 I'm not going to sweat this too much.

Thanks again!
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