Sermepa Module Bug in DS_Merchant_Order

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13 anos atrás

Sermepa Payment processor for 1.8 has a little bug, but with it, the payment fails and you get an error when redirected to Sermpepa page (La Caixa in this case).

La Caixa requires that DS_Merchant_Order has 4 or more charaters, and the module is sending the ORDERID (an integer). So it fails. You have to change this line:

//Numero de pedido
            string strDs_Merchant_Order = order.OrderId.ToString();

To this one:

//Numero de pedido
            string strDs_Merchant_Order = order.OrderId.ToString("0000");

That's all.

Lo pongo tambíen en español (por lo que toca). Si queréis usar el módulo de Sermepa con La Caixa, tenéis que hacer este pequeño cambio, porque el Nº de Pedido a enviar debe tener 4 o más dígitos (hasta 12).

Espero que os sirva.
Un saludo.
13 anos atrás
Thanks for info.

Very strange. I've just looked at implementations of Sermepa payment method of other shopping carts (e.g. this one). None of them formats DS_Merchant_Order with 4 chars minimum.

Could you please provide any link to official Sermepa documentation with this info?
13 anos atrás
Because many people sent me emails about the module I made, and have integrated into the nopCommercer, one thing that I forgot to include in the documentation:


You have to change the id of the orders table to begin with a number of at least 4 digits. With SQL Server Managment Studio you can do it.


Tienes que cambiar la id de la tabla de pedidos para que empieze por un número de almenos 4 dígitos. Con el SQL Server Managment Studio lo puedes hacer.
13 anos atrás
As Noel said, it is needed a 4 digits Merchant_Order. I think it's better to format the code than changing the database table.

13 anos atrás
That would be the best ultimate solution, but there are people who can not recompile the application, and this patch can help.

12 anos atrás
Hi all, i got the next error when i try to configurate the plugin.

Server Error in '/' Application.
The controller for path '/Admin/Payment/ConfigureMethod' was not found or does not implement IController.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: The controller for path '/Admin/Payment/ConfigureMethod' was not found or does not implement IController.

Source Error:

Line 14:     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ConfigurationActionName))
Line 15:     {
Line 16:         @Html.Action(Model.ConfigurationActionName, Model.ConfigurationControllerName, Model.ConfigurationRouteValues);
Line 17:     }
Line 18:     else

Source File: c:\Documents and Settings\Perona_Casa\Mis documentos\Descargas\Web\Administration\Views\Payment\ConfigureMethod.cshtml    Line: 16

Can somebody help me? i am completly new in nopcommerce.

Thank you
12 anos atrás
alexpc89 wrote:
Hi all, i got the next error when i try to configurate the plugin...

Touch "global.asax" file (more info here)
12 anos atrás
thanks, i solver it :)
12 anos atrás

i had a new problem, the error is sis0042. this error is produced by error in the "firma SHA1". i think i should modify the source code to make one of this:

“message = amount + order + merchant_code + currency + Clave_encript;”


“message = amount + order + merchant_code + currency + transactiontype + merchanturl + Clave_encript;”

Looking the source code i have seen that:

string SHA = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}",

i wonder if the problem is this str_Merchan_Response. In this case, how could i solve?

Thanks u again.
PS. Sorry for my english, it is really bad
12 anos atrás
Hola, he instalado el modulo y funciona correctamente, pero me sale siempre el mensaje en ingles "You will be redirected to Sermepa site to complete the order.". Alguien sabe como cambiar este texto para ponerlo en español?.

He probado a editar el archivo "Nop.Plugin.Payments.Sermepa.dll" con un editor hexadecimal, pero el mensaje me sigue apareciendo en ingles.

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